Appendix 1 Privacy Policy

How your personal information is processed and used by Stimuli 2022 LLC.

This policy applies to unauthorized access to personal data at Stimuli 2022 LLC

(S/C 405562476) Actual address: Rustaveli Ave. 14 a. Contact information:

[email protected] (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") existing

protection mechanisms through which the Company ensures the protection of

your personal data. The latter includes information that the company obtains

during the period of providing your services, which, in accordance with the

legislation of Georgia, is subsequently also used for direct marketing purposes.

The purpose of the policy is to provide you with information regarding the

company's operating principles and your legal protection mechanisms when

processing personal information.

Identification (personal) information (definition)

Identification (personal) information is information through which a specific user is identified. Personal information is:

  • Your name and surname
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Personal number
  • Address
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Other additional voluntary information about you

When you order products or services we may also ask you to provide your credit

card number, expiration date, authentication code or other information. The

latter is not stored on our website, as the payment is made on the security

server of our partner bank, the company only stores the history of payments for

the reason of providing a refund if necessary.

1. Personal data

1.1 The company processes personal data for the following purposes:

1.2 receiving and processing orders;

1.3 preparation, execution and sending of service and distance agreements,reports and other official documents;

1.4 to send useful information and special offers;

1.5 ensuring effective management of the company's resources;

1.6 market statistics and analytics;

1.7 recruitment and management of personnel; The company processes personal data on the following basis:

1.8 use of company resources and electronic services;

1.9 consent of the subject of personal data;

1.10 conclusion of distance agreements;

1.11. legal obligations established in normative acts;

1.12. protection of interests of personal data subjects;

1.13 Purchase analysis and statistics for individual offers.

1.14 Order processing and payment by cashless payment method.

Protection of personal data from access by third parties:

1.15 The Company takes care of the protection of personal data and protects the

privacy of the buyer in accordance with the provisions of the regulation and

other applicable normative acts on personal data processing.

1.16 The Company applies all necessary organizational, administrative,

technical, physical and other security measures to ensure the security of

personal data.

1.17 Personal data processing in the company is carried out to ensure the

necessary security of personal data and privacy, including protection against

unauthorized and illegal processing of personal data, as well as protection

against accidental loss, corruption or destruction.

1.18 As soon as it becomes known about the violation of personal data

protection rules, the company is obliged to immediately inform the supervisory

authorities about the incident.

1.19 For the purposes of this relationship, the "Company" is the personal data

processor of the "Users" of the "Stimuli 2022" LLC web platform.

Period of storage of personal data

1.19.1 Personal data is stored until the user cancels the registration on the


How the law protects you:

Similar to the promise of protection of personal data confidentiality, the said data

is protected by the Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection. According to the

law, you have the right to request information about the processing of your data.

You have the right to receive the following information:

• What data is processed about you;

• purpose of data processing;

• Legal basis for data processing

• How your data was collected

• Who your data was shared with

• Basis and purpose of providing data

You may request a copy of the information processed by the Company.

In accordance with the law, you have the right to request the correction, update,

addition, blocking, deletion or destruction of your personal data if it is

incomplete, inaccurate, not up-to-date or if it has been collected or processed

against the law. You also have the right to request the termination of the

processing of your data for direct marketing purposes. The Company operates in

accordance with the laws of Georgia, which may prevent us from immediately

deleting your personal data. Such obligations may arise from tax laws, consumer

protection laws and other relevant laws.

The company is obliged to provide you with the mentioned information upon

your request. We have the right to use personal information if we have your

consent, a specific contractual and/or legal basis for this.

The Company has a lawful basis for processing your personal information. Your

personal information is processed for a specific purpose, which means having a

business-related and/or commercial purpose. It is important that even in this

case, the processing of information by the company is not directed against your
